Sunday, May 24, 2009


Hey guys

My neighborhood pool just opened for the Weekend and Monday (cause it is Memorial day). I am going to go swimming! I can finally get a tan I am so white (compared to last Summer). For the week I am going to Miss Stacy's house (she is a friend of my familys) her house is HUGE! I am going to take some pics and post them.

The pool in our neighborhood goes as low as 6 ft and like 2 inches I love to throw diving sticks to the bottom and dive for them (finally a pool where I can dive!!!). And the funny thing is we went there so long that they say "Tabi don't run" (cause they have a rule that says no running) and they say "Nahmul don't run" or "Joelle don't run please".

Just a quick short prayer:

Lord, I just pray that you will keep us safe at the pool and that nothing will get stolen or almost stolen like last year (long story). And I pray that we will learn new things and again just keep us safe. In Jesus name amen!

P.S last year my bike almost got stolen by a little boy he said it was his then my dad came out and he dropped it and ran off to this day I still have scratch marks from where he was scraping off the designs with a rock! Then a week later he was in my brothers Sunday school class funny right??!!

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