Saturday, May 23, 2009


I do not understand boys..... they can be so weird sometimes and I have no idea why!! Sometimes, they act all innocent and sweet - then the funny and angry side comes out of them!! The 1st picture is of Nahmul climbing his favorite tree (which they cut down last month). The second one is of Nahmul playing the Wii in his "boxing" pose. And then comes the last one - it is of a boy named Trenton....and a boy named Jackson.......I asked them to make a funny face, and then it came to that - oh well!

Sometimes, I get frustrated with boys cause they do things you don't like to do or something like that, but boys do their own thing!

Here is a little short prayer:

Lord, I just pray for these boys Nahmul, Jackson and Trenton. Thank you for giving them each a talent and just watching over them.

I pray that you will give them power and strength to fight the bad stuff in the world and protect these boys. In Jesus name, Amen!

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